UTILCELL, manufacturer of weighing sensors, assembly accessories and weighing indicators.

Since our inception 40 years ago, we have been a leader in the national weighing sensor market, which has allowed us to expand internationally and consolidate today as one of the top five manufacturers in the world.

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 102,104,105,120,140,160

Range: 0.3 to 500 kg
Double-bending weighing cell
Aluminium measuring element
3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Protected IP 66 (EN 60529)
Single-point weighing cell. High accuracy with off-center loads

Direct platform up to 350 x 350 mm
Small hopper

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 190

Range: 15 to 400 kg
Double-bending weighing cell
INOX measurement element
3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Protected IP 69
Single-point weighing cell. High resistance.

Industrial, medium and high capacity platform scales
Packaging and filling machines
Weighing on tape and hopper

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 200,260

Range: 2 to 30 kg
Double-bend weighing sensor with beryllium-copper measuring element:
Exceptional linearity and hysteresis
High resistance to fatigue and shock
Viscous damping especially for use in dynamic weighing applications:
Faster stabilization time
Higher weighing speeds
Increased lifespan of weighing cell
Stainless steel case

Dynamic weighing
Faster timed setting
Higher weighing speeds
Increased lifespan of weighing cell
Vibration reduction

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 300

Range: 5 to 500 kg
Bending beam charging cell
Fully made of stainless steel
3000/6000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Hermetically sealed, fully welded
Protected IP 68 (EN 60529) and IP 69K (ISO20653)
Available in IECEX, ATEX Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).

Hybrid or scale conversions
Tank and hopper scales
Platform balances 4 cells
Industrial applications in the most challenging environments
International compatibility size

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 340

Range: 15 to 1500 kg
Bending beam charging cell
Fully made of stainless steel
3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C (15… 1000kg)
2000 divisions OIML R60 Class C (1500kg)
Hermetically sealed, fully welded
Protected IP 68 (EN 60529)
Available in ATEX logoatex25 version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).

Hybrid or scale
conversions Balances platforms to 4 cell
load Tank balances and hopper
Industrial applications in the most challenging environments

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 350

Range: 300 to 10,000 kg
Shear beam weighing cell
350 i (300… 10,000kg): Construction entirely made of stainless steel. Hermetically sealed, fully welded, IP 68 (EN 60529) and IP 69K (ISO20653)
350 a (300… 5,000kg): Stainless steel construction. Silicone Seal, IP66 (EN 60529)
350 n (300… 2,000kg): nickel steel alloy. Silicone Seal, IP66 (EN 60529)
3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Pre-angle setting optimized for multicellular systems
Available in ATEX version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).
Mod version. US$350 available for the U.S. market. 3 mV/V nominal sensitivity.

Four weighing cell platforms
Weighing tanks and hoppers
Rocking bridges for light vehicles
Weighing by axle
Weighing “embarked”

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 35902 Silokit

Range: 0.3 to 5 t

Mounting accesory for shear sensor 350.
(03… 2t)
Alloy of zinged steel Acc. 35902
Stainless steel Acc. 35902i
(3… 5 t)
Steel alloy zinged Acc. 35903
Stainless steel Acc. 35903i

Weighing tank and hopper
Archmede’s screw
Special machine

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 420

Range: 2.5 to 30 t
Compression charge cell
1000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Stainless steel measuring element
Hermetically sealed, fully welded
Protected IP 68 (EN 60529)
Easy installation
Available in IECEX , ATEX version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).

Weighing system for hoppers and silos with low profile requirements

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 460

Range: 5 to 200 t
Double shear charging cell 3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C
Stainless steel measuring element
Hermetically sealed, fully welded Protected IP 68 (EN 60529)
Mounting kit available in EN1090-certified version (46902CG 46903CG) and 46903XL for the 200t version
Available in ATEX version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).
Easy installation

SECURITY MONTAGE FOR SILO FOR N.460 (50-100t). Certified according to EN 1090. Marked CE under the Regulations of Building Products(CPR).

Weighing systems for hoppers, tanks and silos with highly linear and low profile requirements.

on-board weighing

Mod. 490

Range: 40 to 200 t
Charge cell specially designed for the metallurgical industry
High service temperature up to 150 degrees Celsius
Double shear charging cell
Allied steel measuring element with nickel treatment
Precision class ± < 0.05%
Connecting the input cable via an airtight connector
Protected IP 67 (EN 60529)

Melted liquid steel pocket
Roller tables
Tundish Cars
Weighing in scrap bucket
Ladle Ferries
Hopper and silo weighing systems in high-temperature environments in the metallurgical industry

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 610,630,650, 530

Range: 250 to 7,500 kg
Tension charge cell /compression
Construction stainless steel
Welded tightly, protected IP 68 (EN 60529)
3000 divisions OIML R60 Class C –
Available in logoatex25 ATEX version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust).

Suspended weighing tanks and hoppers
Suspended conveyor belt scales for concrete power plant, asphalt plants.
Force measurement in test equipment
Conversion of mechanical scales to electronics
Peson suspends u

sensor 120 1006 140

Mod. 730,740, 750

Range: 15 to 600 t
Compression charging cell, automatic centered column.
Analog version (740) or digital weighing sensor (730).
4000 divisions OIML R60 Class C for 15t… 60t
1000 divisions OIML R60 Class C for 100t… 600t
Stainless steel construction
Tight welded, IP protection class 68 (EN 60529) and IP 69K (ISO20653)
Pre-angle setting optimized for multicellular systems
Lightning protection
Available in logoatex25ATEX version (optional). Zone 0-1-2 (gas) and 20-21-22 (dust)

High-capacity weighing systems
Truck scales

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